CID-CEF Grants Awarded in 2023

Thanks to God’s blessings, the Central Illinois District Church Extension Fund (CID-CEF) returned $65,677 to the District in the form of grants. The grants will be used for a variety of needs throughout the District, as follows:  

The following is a summary of the grants we approved during the year.

Please add your prayers for these ministries supporting our pastors, teachers, youth, and members of the Central Illinois District.

Springfield Lutheran High School (LuHi) – Financial Support- $13,232

Providing financial support for funding of LuHi’s December mortgage payment.

Seminarians and Deaconess Students in the CID – Seminarian and Deaconess Student Grants - $9,000

Assisting with seminarians’ and deaconess students’ material needs as they prepare to support us with our spiritual needs.

Cristo Rey – Spanish Radio Broadcast - $4,000

Spreading the gospel via Spanish broadcasts to Hispanics living in the Quad-City region.

Tuscola Immanuel – Not Ashamed Program - $4,000

Offering the churched and unchurched in the Tuscola area training on engaging with the culture and living our lives as witnesses to Christ.

Lutherans in the CID - Creation Science Series - $3,500

Expanding this grant to elementary schools, teachers, and adults for armoring our youth in facing the challenge of evolution vs. God’s creation.

Campus Ministries

  • Western Illinois University - $5,000 funding to enable the new campus pastor to re-energize the campus ministry via new programs.
  • Western Illinois University - $600 purchasing branded water bottles for advertising the ministry.

Central Illinois District:

  • ILPCM - $12,250funding registration fees for up to 35 participants in the 2024 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music.
  • Summer Evangelism Interns - $5,850 offering internships to Concordia University students that provide evangelism experience in our CID churches.
  • Circuit Visitor Training – Reconciliation - $3,650 equipping our circuit visitors to address conflict and build relationships.
  • Campus Ministry Retreat and Event - $2,670 and $1,000 training students from our campus ministries on canvassing skills and placing them to practical use by canvassing the neighborhood surrounding our Immanual Lutheran Chapel mission.
  • Small Church Summit - $925 hosting a speaker to lead a forum for pastors and laypeople from small congregations.



The CID-CEF Office is open Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm.
Please call (217) 793-1802 with questions.

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